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The First IEEE Workshop on 
Face Processing in Video
June 28, 2004, Washington, D.C., USA

main page workshop introduction workshop proceedings CVPR 2004

In conjunction with
IEEE International Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR'04)

NEWS: The Second Workshop on Face Processing in Video (FPiV'05) will be held
in Victoria, British Columbia, Canada,  on May 9-11, 2005 jointly with AI/GI/CRV'2005
(Canadian conferences on Artificial Intelligence / Graphics Interface / Computer & Robot Vision)
with the proceedings to published and indexed by IEEE.
The paper submission deadline: January 21, 2005.

A special issue of Image and Vision Computing journal on Face Processing in Video  made on the basis of the best FPiV'04 workshop papers is currently under preparation.


Workshop proceedings

Registration Information

Original call for papers

Organizer and Program Chair: 

Dmitry O. Gorodnichy
NRC-CNRC, Canada
Fax: 1 (613) 952-0215
Tel:  1 (613) 998-5298

Program Committee:

Bernhard Fröba
Fraunhofer-Institut, Germany

Laurent Itti
U. of Southern California, USA

Takeo Kanade

Josef Kittler
University of Surrey, UK

Ernst Kussul
U. Nacional Autonoma, Mexico

Stan Z. Li
Microsoft Research, China 

Michael J. Lyons
ATR, Japan

Marc Parizeau
U. Laval, Canada

Maximilian Riesenhuber
Georgetown U., USA

Gerhard Roth
NRC-CNRC, Canada

Chris Solomon
U. of Kent at Canterbury, UK

Matthew Turk

Lijun Yin
SUNY at Binghamton, USA






Online proceedings from other 
related workshops/conferences:

Biologically Motivated Computer Vision
Workshop Proceedings: 2002, 2000

Vision Interface
Conference Proceedings: 2002, 2001

Early Cognitive Vision Workshop
(Scotland, May 2004) Proceedings


Aims and Layout   

Face processing is an area of research dedicated to the extraction and manipulation of information about human faces. It deals with such problems as face detection, tracking, recognition, coding, etc. as well as their applications.

Video is becoming ubiquitous and very affordable, and there is growing demand on vision-based human-oriented applications, ranging from security and industry for disabled to computer-human interaction and video annotation. Therefore, more and more research effort is being put on face processing in video, which is very different from face processing in still imaginary in terms of the nature of data processed. 

On one hand, because of real-time, bandwidth and environmental constraints, video images are of rather modest resolution and quality, as compared to photo-images. On the other hand, such a seeming deficiency of video is compensated by the abundance of images due to the dynamic nature of video. Video processing and understanding also has many parallels with biological vision, which provides additional insights and solutions to the problem.

Therefore, it is important to develop approaches other than those developed for still imagery which would make use of the advantages of video for face processing. With this goal in mind, this workshop is aimed at providing a forum for scientists from different backgrounds: biological vision, computer vision, pattern recognition, machine learning, computer-human interaction, etc. - to share their experiences and discuss the problems, new approaches and applications of Face Processing in Video.

The workshop will consist of one day of oral presentations and a invited talk.

Invited talk: "Biological Models of Vision and Attention for Face Detection in Natural Scenes" (by Dr. Laurent Itti, U. of Southern California) 

Workshop proceedings  The papers accepted for the workshop are published in the CVPR'04 CD-ROM Proceedings and archived into the IEEE Computer Society's and the IEEE Xplore digital libraries.

The suggested research areas are listed below (from theory-driven to application-driven), but other topics dealing with the face in video scenario are welcome.

neurobiological and neuro-computational approaches to visual perception and recognition
synergy between biological and computer vision
face segmentation and detection in video
face tracking and multiple faces tracking
face memorization, classification recognition from video
face biometrics and face modeling, 3d face models
facial features for tracking and recognition
face representation, canonical face models, face in video databases 
face synthesis, mimicking and animation 
facial expression recognition and classification, and representation
fusing different modalities of video information (motion, colour, intensity)
performance evaluation for face in video problems
face detection/tracking/recognition in multi-camera setups including stereo
face detection/tracking/recognition in panoramic video
combining video and audio for speaker face detection/tracking/recognition
face-based multi-media, games, and computer-human interaction 
perceptual face-controlled interfaces
face processing for video-conferencing
face processing for avatars and computer-generated communication programs
face processing for immersive and collaborative environments
face processing for industry for disabled 
face processing for augmented and virtualized reality
face processing for security and surveillance 
face processing for encoding and annotating video 


Submission procedure  

Content. Any paper analyzing video for the presence of information about faces is welcomed for submission. However , the preference will be given to those papers which clearly indicate in the abstract a) what is a challenging problem the paper addresses and b) what the paper contributions are. Application-oriented papers are as much welcome as theoretical papers. Given the exploratory nature of the workshop, the submission of papers describing a new face in video problem or a system is particularly encouraged. 

Reviewing Process.  Reviewing is blind circular. By submitting a paper, each author agrees to review at least 3 other submissions. This procedure has produced quality, useful reviews in previous CVPR workshops. As reviewers, authors must comply with the reviewing schedule below. In addition, each paper will be reviewed by the program committee. Given the exploratory nature of the workshop, reviews will emphasize the novelty of the ideas and clarity of presentation.


Registration and attendance.  

Participation in the workshop without submitting a paper is welcomed. - Workshop is open to all CVPR 2004 attendees.

In order to register for the workshop, you have to register for the CVPR 2004!

Here is the procedure - follow this link.

Misé ŕ jour: 1 octobre 2004. Copyright © 2004